Tuesday, April 17, 2007

04/17/07 - 29668 miles - Radio fixed - NOT !! - Other Issues

The radio was finally in at the dealer. An appointment was set up for 04/17/08. I showed up with TSB's I printed off AllData.com. I paid for a one year subscription to see if I'd have better luck figuring out what was going on with our Uplander. The new service manager didn't like it that I brought in a list of possible TSB's. I said the TSB on the radio that you found last week was issued in the summer of 2005 and we bought the van in September of 2005. The other service managers did not find a TSB that was there since before we even owned the vehicle!!

I gave him my list and he said they were not valid and that only GM TSB's were to be followed. He said there was more on my list than what was on the schedule to be looked at and fixed today. I agreed and said I was just bringing them to the dealer attention. I became upset. All I was trying to do was give him some history on our old problems and current problems, and he said to stop or he'd throw me out of the business. Another professional employee. I think he felt that I was showing him up by having the TSB's. This was nothing against him. He had found the radio problem, the DVD issue, and the dimming light problem the last time on 04/04/07.

After I picked up the van that evening (after hours) I tried the DVD player and it didn't hiss or have static anymore because it didn't work. I tried the DVD player and there is only a picture. No Sound - unless you plug in a set of head phones, not not the wireless headphones that come with the Uplander, regular wired ones. If you try to switch on the DVD player says "No Radio". Unbelievable.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

04/04/07 - 28461 - Drop off for new service manger to look at.

On 04/04/07 I dropped off our Uplander to see what the new service manger could figure out and fix. The Radio issue was confirmed and a new radio was ordered. Other issues were looked at(DVD Static, dimming headlights)and parts were ordered. I do not have paper work for the 04/04/07 visit.